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Peony varieties to choose from
- Blog
- 30 December 2021
Are you mesmerized by the looks of the beautiful peony flower? We totally get that. But we also understand that it might be difficult to choose between all the different kinds of peony flowers and roots. It’s not just a matter of what color you like best. When you’re searching through the peony varieties, you must keep the conditions into account to make sure your peony will perform at its maximum ability. We will help you find your perfect peony.
The history of the peony flower
When you’re looking at the origin and meaning of peony, you will see that the peony flower finds its origin in China. The peony flower was very popular due to its roots. Local people believed the roots had healing abilities. The roots would help to fight fevers and blood flow related issues. Both seeds and roots were also frequently used to treat headache and asthma. The peony was named after Paeon. He was a student of Asclepius, the Greek God of medicine and healing.
Tree peonies were first brought to Europe in the early 1800s, after being discovered by explorers. Nowadays, they’re incredibly popular as ornamental garden plants and cut flowers. The meaning of the peony flower is as beautiful as the looks of it. This flower represents love, romance and connection.
Peony varieties
Peonies are categorized by glower appearance. Some types of peonies are built out of a single ring of petals. Others have multiple rows of petals. Because of the diversity, we can enjoy different varieties of peonies. We classify the varieties of peony flowers into the following categories:
- Single
- Semi double
- Full double
Climate considerations
A very important matter to consider is climate. In which environment would you like to grow peonies? Every peony variety has its own unique characteristics that will fit one environment better over other climate circumstances. In our diverse selection of peony roots, you can find over more than 200 varieties. Each peony root comes with a detailed description, and it will tell you in which climate the variety will perform best.
Climate conditions will have a great effect on the flowering period of your peony plants. As a basic rule of thumb, hybrid peony varieties will flower early in the season. Lactiflora and intersectional varieties will flower in the mid to late season.
Peony varieties of color
One of the many advantages of the peony flower, is the fact that you can choose just about any color. This amazing flower can complement the environment with a diverse range of colors. The peony flower has got a rich culture and heritage. Throughout the years, the colors started to represent a feeling or an event. They were also often used for a variety of rituals. For example, the flower was used during ceremonial acts for luck and prosperity.
Buying your perfect peony variety
When buying your perfect peony that is compatible to your taste and your living environment, you can rely on Groot & Groot. All year round, we deliver flowers and roots over 25 countries worldwide. We focus on high quality products, and we offer class service. Most of our peonies are grown on our own farms in The Netherlands, Italy, France and South-Africa. Because of this production, we can deliver the best fresh peonies directly from our fields in relatively large quantities. Feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help.