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Why can we supply peonies almost all year round?
- Blog
- 22 November 2022
Groot & Groot is a specialised peony nursery with its headquarters based in The Netherlands. We supply fresh peony flowers to our customers all over the world, during approximately 9 months of the year. We have a wide assortment including regular and very exclusive peony flowers, in all kind of colours. We stand for high-quality peony flowers. Supplying a high quality seasonal flower during 9 months of the year is a challenge. Below, we will explain to you how we try and manage to achieve this 9 month-availability.
Climate zones
At Groot & Groot we are able to grow fresh peonies spread out over the year. We can achieve this because we have multiple product locations in different climate zones. Currently, we have production locations and partners in: France, Italy, the Netherlands and South-Africa, all with its own climate zone and seasonality. Because of this, we are not bound to one season in one area. By growing peonies in multiple climate zones, we can achieve a 9-month availability of fresh peony flowers of the highest quality.
Worldwide delivery
During all our growth cycle’s in the different climate zones we strive to offer a wide assortment of regular and more exclusive peonies. We also try to offer our customers peonies in all different colors. We have access to multiple exporting channels and can therefore offer our peony flowers world-wide.
Do you want to order peonies in bulk?
Are you curious about the prices of our peonies or peony roots? Groot & Groot supplies peony flowers and peony cuttings in wholesale quantities. We supply worldwide to professional growers and (export) wholesalers. At Groot & Groot we are able to grow peonies all year round. So we are not seasonal. Please feel free to contact us. You can also email us directly: or call: +(31) (6) 110 60 243. We are happy to help you!