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peony growth stages

Peony growth stages

  • Blog
  • 27 June 2023

Peonies are one of the most beautiful garden plants. When given the right care, they can survive anywhere worldwide. The life cycle of peonies begins from the ground every year. During fall, the plant goes into dormancy. But what are the peony growing stages? In this blog, we will explain every stage!

Stage 1: Shoot development

The first growing stage of a peony is when the shoots start growing after there is an increase in temperature and water absorption. This period, regrowth of the peony begins after the frost season.

Stage 2: Shoot emergence

In this stage, the shoots start to emerge above ground, and the shoots slowly start to appear. Meanwhile, the baby leaves will remain folded. After that, the shoots will start to stretch quickly as the stems and leaves mature.

Stage 3: Leaf opening

As the leaves and stems will continue to grow, the shoots begin to stretch. This results in the opening of curved leaflets and the emergence of the flower bud. When this peony growth stage ends, the stem grows up to 2/3 feet tall.

Stage 4: Leaf extension

In this stage, the leaves start to expand outwardly. This results in them taking their final shape. Besides, the flower buds also start to appear on top of the upper leaves.

Stage 5: Bloom bud expansion

In this growing stage, the bloom buds get significantly larger. The buds will develop to the size of a golf ball.

peony growth stage

Stage 6: Bud coloring

This is the stage where the bloom buds will open. Besides, the color of the blossom becomes very visible.

Stage 7: Flower opening

This is the final peony growth stage. This is the period when the flowers open up and start displaying the significant features of the cultivars.

Groot & Groot: Order peonies in bulk

Would you like to know more about peony care after blooming? Or are you curious about the prices of our peonies or peony roots? Then please contact us. Groot & Groot supplies peony flowers and peony cuttings in wholesale quantities. We supply worldwide to professional growers and (export) wholesalers. At Groot & Groot we are able to grow peonies all year round. So we are not seasonal. It is also possible to email us directly: or call: +(31) (6) 110 60 243. We would like to help you!

Written by

Joost Groot (COO)

Cultivation and HR & Organization

Owner specialized in Cultivation & Organization
Wide range of experience in the cultivation of peonies both for flower and bare root production in multiple climate zones.