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peony care

Peony care – the ultimate guide!

  • Blog
  • 8 June 2021

There are 1000 varieties of peonies in all kinds of colors. The most common colors are red, white, yellow and pink. This flower is a perennial and this means that it can bloom several times in its lifetime. It is important that the peony is properly cared for. In this blog we explain when the flowering time of this flower is, how it should be cared for and how this flower should be pruned.

When is the peony flowering time?

The peony has a flowering time of about 2 months. It generally blooms in the months of May and June. The flowering time of a peony is therefore not very long. This flower is dependent on the weather conditions. The flowering time of the peony in the Netherlands is therefore at the end of spring. Around this time, the light stays outside longer and the temperatures are higher.

How should the peony be cared for?

It is important that peonies get at least five hours of sun a day. This way the flowers can bloom best. It is also important that the soil is nutritious. So the soil should not dry out and should be watered regularly. This water must also be able to drain away easily, so that the roots do not rot.

The peony can flower in the open ground as well as in a flower pot. In both cases the stems of the flower can use support, because these are often quite heavy. You can therefore choose to cut off a number of stems and put them in a vase, for example. It is important that the peony must always retain at least 2 stems. These are necessary to be able to bloom again in the following year.

The following things are therefore important when caring for the peony:

  • At least 5 hours of sunlight per day
  • Nutritious soil and water the flower regularly
  • Water must be able to drain easily
  • Supporting peony stems

How do you prune a peony?

A peony should be pruned in the fall. These are in the months of September and October. It is not necessary to prune peonies, as they usually keep their shape. The peony can be pruned by removing the unsightly and/or discolored stems and trimming the flower. It is important that at least 2 strong stems remain, so that they can bloom again the following year. When the peony becomes too large or too high, the oldest branches can be removed. The healthy young stems can then remain.

Groot & Groot: Order peonies in bulk

Would you like to know more about peonies or are you curious about the prices of our peony roots? Groot & Groot supplies peony flowers and peony cuttings in wholesale quantities. We supply worldwide to professional growers and (export) wholesalers. At Groot & Groot we are able to grow peonies all year round. So we are not seasonal. Please feel free to contact us. It is also possible to email us directly: or call: +(31)(6) 110 60 243.